Indian Wills

If you own Indian land held in trust by the United States Government and/or an Individual Indian Money Account (for income from oil, mineral, gas, and/or grazing rights on Indian trust land) you may need a will that conforms to laws governing these assets. Specifically, land held in trust by United States government contains restrictions on what you can do with it upon your death.

By writing a will, you can designate how your trust land will be transferred in trust to any Indian person or to your descendants, even if they are not tribal members. Without a will, your trust land will be transferred according to federal law or approved tribal probate law rather than state laws, which ultimately may not reflect your wishes.

It is not uncommon to be uncertain about the exact amount of interest one owns in Indian land, as the Individual Trust Inventory Report (ITI) can be challenging to read. Our office can assist you in deciphering the report and, ultimately, the entirety of your holdings.

To begin the process of determining your Indian will needs, please feel free to download and complete the following intake form prior to your consultation.

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